Absolutely the BEST realtor in Bucharest! Honest and very compassionate.
We worked with Andreea, and she was amazing!
Our search for purchasing an apartment in Bucharest started in the United States, where my wife (Romanian born) and I live.
We could not make the trip there initially, so we were relying on contacting people on Imobilaria.
As you can imagine, this is a very difficult thing to do remotely because have no idea who to trust, and which ads are real, or any other details.
Andreea took us in and made us feel comfortable. She worked evenings and weekends, considering the 8 hour time difference, and would make the trip to every apartment that we wanted to inquire about. She would contact the seller / agent and dig deep into the paperwork, verifying everything was legitimate.
In many cases, what looked great on the website turned out to be not so good, either something wrong with the paperwork, or some other issues. Andreea took care of these investigations for us! Many times we had hour hopes up and Andreea brought us down to reality saying "you really don't want this place".. while difficult to hear, she was looking out for us, rather than just taking the first sale. She was amazing!
Finally we hit upon a great apartment in exactly the location that my wife wanted, and Andreea and her team did a thorough evaluation of the records and the seller, and everything turned out legitimate. I don't want to leave out the entire Land Estate team, as they had to research the records and obtain all of the legal documents. Enough to let us put a small down payment with little risk.
My wife was able to fly there, confirm that this is what we wanted (she wanted haha), and we finished the deal.
I can't thank Andreea enough, for all of the late night and weekend conversations back and forth, exchanging pictures, records, etc.. She and the Land Estate team went above and beyond what we expected.
I would recommend Land Estates to ANYONE who is looking to buy property in Bucharest. Especially if you are from outside of the country.
They will take good care of you and you can trust them!